Saturday, June 25, 2022

Near Deathblow

What now, now that he has reached his wit's end ?

What more is there to learn if all there is, is just suffering and hurting?

Reality has hit, and he is near the edge,

Near deathblow. 

He's always been a dreamer, a dream chaser.

He's ridden out all the dream ponies that have come to mind,

but now the stallion of nightmares is standing outside his window.

He's sad, and he's losing grasp of joy and simple happiness.

I fear he's near deathblow.

What's good for him?

What's meaningful when all is being lost?

When the rhythm of life has become noise and discord?

What's purpose, when sanity is being tested ?

What wrong did he do in his previous lives?

He aches.

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